Isaiah 6:8 Ministries provides the opportunity to join a mission team that focuses on ‘giving’ the Love of Christ to people in places where there seems to be little hope for a better life. We do this by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, praying for the infirmed and just ‘loving on the people’ that God has called us to serve. Our trips are preplanned so that when we arrive at our destination, we are able to maximize our time and resources to fully answer the ministry God has called us to provide for His people.
Not everyone may feel evangelistically gifted but EVERYONE has God given abilities and talents! We each have received special gifts and talents from God and executed through the Holy Spirit. This is why God calls many of us to serve Him on a short-term mission trip. God wants to show you how to use your gifts and talents to serve those He is calling us to minister to in environments outside our normal life.
We also endeavor to form the mission team so that each person is prepared for the trip. Trip orientation is very important so we schedule two to three meetings where we will get to know each other. Instruction will be given for what we will be doing, cultural differences, medical requirements (vaccinations, etc), travel requirements and much more. Having instruction and discussion is critical but the most important thing we will be doing is building a strong mission team. To achieve a strong team, we will be following scriptural instruction to worship, pray and eat together. Our goal is to form a team that is ready to serve because we know that, as a team, we will be able to accomplish more for God than if we go as individuals.